Attendance and punctuality are extremely important for your child’s education and life chances. Research has proved that poor attendance and punctuality often leads to low attainment. Every minute of school that is missed will affect your child’s learning.
We would like to remind you that holidays must not be taken in term time, and non-urgent medical appointments should be made outside of school hours.
School will not authorise any holidays during term time, and we will refer any unauthorised holidays to the Educational Welfare Service, who can issue fines for any holidays taken when children should be in school.
Our attendance is currently below the government’s target of 97%, and we will be challenging and supporting families where poor attendance and poor punctuality are a concern. Thank you for your support.
What the Percentages Really Mean (Pupil Guidance):
100% – 97%
You are doing really well, and we are very pleased with your attendance.
96% – 93%
This is just below our school target, and we would like to see an improvement.
92% – 90%
Your attendance is causing concern and your attendance will be monitored. We would to see an improvement.
90% and Below
This is called Persistent Absenteeism and your attendance may be stopping you from being the best that you can be.
A referral to the Education Welfare Service will be made.
Below are some useful documents to inform you about Heygreen’s attendance and punctuality procedures.